Issiue contents    # 1, This is Israel

  • The Editorial Board: Word about the Journal and website   page 1
  • Israel: current events page 2
  • From the eyes of children page 3
  • Testimonials, Memories page 4
  • Meeting with friends in the Kibbutz-Settlement Yad Hashmona page 5
  • The Jews about themselves page 6

Subject: This is Israel

p. ║ 12 3 4 5 6

The Editorial Board word to readers about the Journal and website
Dear readers, The Editorial Board of the All-Israeli Association "Survivors from concentration camps and ghettoes" greet you! And invite you to the site of the Association:

It's a relay site for those and about those, who have survived the days of the Nazi occupation during World War II, who have rendered resistance to the occupiers, who have experienced the joy of liberation and victory and would like to tell the offspring about that which they saw, underwent and understood.

It is a site of warning for young people – those, who nowadays build their lives: Remember about it, what is fascism and Nazism, which are their true faces, masks and methods to destroy people.

It is a site for those, who can and like to keep the memory of all-human experience and relay it to the following generations.

1.Who are those people:
* Those are Jews, who have succeeded to survive the Holocaust – to escape from the ghetto, to join the partisans, to hide among the local population.
* The subject are those, who have been freed from the Ghetto and the Nazi concentration camps by the Red Army and the armies of the Allies.
* Those are the gentiles, who have saved us, and their offspring.
* Those are not only citizens of Israel, who have been during World War II in the territories occupied by the Nazis, but also our many-numbered brothers and sisters with common fate, living nowadays in various countries in the world.
* Those are the historians of World War II, interested in evidence from eye-witnesses, social activists, advancing their programs, including educational ones.
* Those are all those, who solidarize with the aims of the Association, who would like to render help to the by far not young former prisoners of Nazism.
Until now the basic public – are Russian-speaking persons.
2. What you can find in our site:
► Evidence from former prisoners of ghettoes and concentration camps – in various forms: Video and Audio-Records of monologues and interviews, articles and books of those people, records of their tales as captives, about life and death under occupation, about the Righteous among the Nations, the veterans of war, the partisans and fighters of the Jewish Resistance.
► Materials about the every-daily activity of 32 city organizations in the main cities of Israel:
     — Immortalization of the memory of the victims of the Holocaust,
     — Specific help to those needy,
     — Excursions, celebrating Holidays together,
     — Meetings with the young,
All this in cooperation with other social unions, including Christian ones. You will also get to know about the cooperation of the Association with the Museum Memorial Yad Va-Shem and the Museum Beth Lohamei Ha-Ghettaot.
► Documents of the Association – Regulations, materials of the authorized delegates of the Conference and protocols of the meetings of the Council.
3. Basic themes:
- Jewish resistance,
- Events of the Holocaust,
- the Righteous among the Nations,
- the memorials of the Holocaust,,
- Israel and the Jews in the World,
- Our friends and opponents,,
- The life of former prisoners nowadays,
- Mirror (we about ourselves).
Meanwhile on the site there are represented Russian bibliotheca, phono-theca, bibliotheca of video, total around 1800 materials (files) – from short notes to voluminous books, from video-clips of a few minutes to full-meter films. All the materials can be freely downloaded and be used as per discretion. The amount of the units of materials quickly grows.
4. What is a Journal needed for:
During the last years the connections of the Association with organizations abroad have essentially changed: There have appeared for us many friends. Like us, they take care to exclude from human life phenomena, like the Holocaust, strengthen peace on earth and cooperation of all the peoples for the common good. We are useful to each other in this activity. In this connection we see a necessity to open for the reader abroad, first of all English-speaking, the contents of our site, about which we told earlier. For this purpose on the site there is created the long-expected section in English. We will according to the measure of the available resources translate the materials of the Russian section to English. Right so it is necessary to bring to the Russian-speaking reader translations of original materials in English on our themes. Parallel an operative instrument is needed, giving a presentation of the last publications in the English- and Russian-language sections of the site. Let us call it Journal.

You have before you an experimental edition of such a journal, which we see as a mediator, eliminating the language barriers of our intercourse – on both sides. We would like to see you, our reader, among our authors.
Well, the Journal is bilingual. At the beginning the volume of 5-6 pages is possible, the periodicity of the issue once in 1 or 2 months. Further the volume and character of the publication could increase, depending upon the needs of the readers. We plan to issue in English (if the original is in Russian) and in Russian (if the original is in English) something like a digest of the materials of the site with reference to the complete originals (if they exist in the corresponding language). Also we plan to publish in the Journal a materials which for some reason or other do not appear on the site, but can be useful to the readers.

We will be grateful to those, who send their wishes in regard to the preference and volume of the publications, about the priority of the themes. Also we greet you as future authors of the site and Journal.

As far as the Association is a non-commercial organization, while the "more" links point to the text in Russian. We ask the bilingual readers, who will translate for themselves to English, to share the translations with our site and Journal.

In happy time!

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Translation from Russian by Esther Kokos. Unsubscribe from the Journal