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Israel: current events

26.02.16. Unprecedented event, making Peace: Palestinian leaders and heads of organizations gather together in an event blessed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Mahmoud Abbas.
Initiated by Mr. Sam Ben Shitrit – Chairman of the World Federation of Moroccan Jewry, the conference was held at the “Pavilion” banquet hall where some 250 heads of Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews met with ministers and officials on behalf of Mahmoud Abbas, to discuss the “role of Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews in the matters of peace and coexistence in our region”. The conference was attended by special delegations from Morocco, the USA, UK and Canada...
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The lawyer Yossi Fuchs, the Chairman of the Juridical forum for the Land of Israel, calls to renounce argumentation about the benefit of Judea and Samaria for the security of the country, and to go over to moral and juridical dialogues: The international right is on our side.
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In the Jerusalem hospital "Hadassa Eyn-Kerem" on February 3. 2016 the nineteen year old border-soldier-girl Adar Cohen died after receiving very heavy wounds as a result of a terrorist attack next to the Nablus Gate in Jerusalem.
She is one of the victims from the wave of attacks on people on the streets of many cities in the country during the last 3 months. The victims of the murderers are women, children, elderly people…
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Mordechai Kedar: The Islamist movement considers, that the Jews consist of religious communities, representing parts of various peoples, among whom they lived, and hence, they are not a people and do not deserve a state of their own. They consider, that the Land of Israel in its entirety is sacred for the Islam and only for the Islam. Therefore, they consider, there is no justification for the very existence of the State of Israel.
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Daniel Pipes: The summary of the age of Palestinian irreconcilability.
Every one or two years news are heard about the present campaign of violence, called up by Palestinian political religiou eaders, spreading preposterous theories about a conspiracy (for instance, the preferred one: "The mosque El-Aksa in Jerusalem is in danger". Afterwards there follows an unprovoked spasm of violence regarding Israelis: Rocket firing from the sector of Gaza, car-assaults inside Israel, stones thrown on the West Bank, knife attacks on the streets of Jerusalem. Finally, the attack has no effect, but only to be continued a little later…
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The Isle of the Dead: The situation in Israel according to Guy Behor.
They are in every mosque, in every corner. It's them who seized two years ago the Temple Mount. They have founded "Murabitun" and "Murabitat", in order to defend the Temple Mountain of non-believers – the Jews. They have totally changed the situation. The representatives of the Jordanian Waqf fear them, since collision with them in Jerusalem could set under fire the Kingdom itself, shaking with fear of the Salafists and the "Islamic State". These extremists do not aspire to an independent Palestinian State, which is despised by them. They do not want any talks. They do not recognize neither America, nor the West. They want a world-wide Islamic Kalifate. Therefore they do not 'give a penny' for the regime of Abu Mazen, which they would willingly overthrow. And it can be, that they will do it some time. It is clear, that unless the Israel Army, they would have done so long ago.
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International Organization "March of Life" prepares for the march in Israel. For suggestions about participation should be addressed to the site


The Christians of Beth El: Zionism without preliminary conditions

The 42-years-old Ephraim Kurt speaks Hebrew almost without a foreign accent, although he came from Toronto not so long ago – during the year 2003.

- At the beginning there moved from Canada to Israel only the parents, - he tells, and afterwards – we and the brothers, eight persons. Here I met and fell in love with Andrea, got married. Here our three children were born: The daughter Dana is eight-years-old, the son Boaz - six, and the youngest, Aviel, is four-years-old.
- Do the children know English?
- Naturally, but not only that: They all know German – my mother was born in Germany and my father is a Canadian – Ephraim clarifies – but the homeland of our children is Israel! The community of Beth El unites around 800 Christians-Zionists. How soldiers are buried in Israel Military cemeteries all over the world are alike to each other. Rows of single graves, a sequence of names. Nothing extra, not even emotions. Stones, crosses on the ground. The graves of the Israel soldiers are not at all like that. This graveyard in Jerusalem could touch anyone. I myself almost cried…
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How soldiers are buried in Israel

Military cemeteries all over the world are alike to each other. Rows of single graves, a sequence of names. Nothing extra, not even emotions. Stones, crosses on the ground. The graves of the Israel soldiers are not at all like that. This graveyard in Jerusalem could touch anyone. I myself almost cried…
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