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Meeting with friends in the Kibbutz-Settlement Yad Hashmona

February 9, 2016 the sponsors of the American organization "Rich Initiative International" (the leaders Stewart and Chantal Vinograd), organized a day of rest in the Kibbutz-Settlement "Yad Hashmona" for the former prisoners of ghettos and concentration camps from the Jerusalem organization "Central".

The Kibbutz got its name in memory of 8 Jews, deported from Finland during the years of the 2-nd World War, seven out of which died in the death-camps, only one of them survived by a miracle and created the Kibbutz after the war. Finland, during the Second World War, although it was an ally of Fascist Germany, refused to give away the Jews to the Nazis, considering them its citizens.

However, the Finland secret police, upon insistence of the Fascists, handed over to the Germans 8 Jews, who came to Finland from other countries. Later, the Finland government asked the Jews for forgiveness for what happened. At the present time more than 50 various Finnish organizations support Israel.

Guests from the United States Kibbutz's economy Benny Sinsh (India)

Except for the former prisoners of the Holocaust and members of their families, at the holiday there attended volunteers, guests from the United States (from Central America and the States Georgia and Texas), from Minsk and even from India. Benny Sinsh, a guest from India: "I love Israel. I dreamt and prayed to visit this country. To visit the Old City and to get to know Israel better. And now my dream has come true, I am very glad".
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